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About me

Hi I’m Roz Bacon, and I’m an ICF certified Mindset, Life and Career Coach. I can help and support you to get 'unstuck', feel content and fulfilled in your day-to-day life, discover your sense of purpose and build the confidence and self-belief to take action on your dreams and goals, whether that's personally, professionally or both!


With a history in consulting and marketing, and with years of experience within creative agencies and corporate organisations, my career was connected by a single common thread. Whether building client relationships as part of account management, or leadership and mentoring in senior roles, people management had always been at the heart of what I did. I brought that driving passion with me - to help people grow and develop - into my coaching business. 

Although on paper it looked like I had life sorted - a wonderful husband, beautiful home and successful career - I always felt that something was missing but couldn’t put my finger on what it was. I found myself constantly counting down and living from one holiday or big event to the next, rather than actually enjoying life. After finding out that I wasn’t going to be able to have children, and then losing both my parents a year apart of each other, I started on my own self-development journey, which helped me to feel so much better about myself and comfortable in my own skin.

Image by Angel Luciano

I realised that I’d been weighed down by so many negative beliefs about myself and my own worthiness, and that this was stopping me from enjoying the everyday and essentially living my best life! It was this journey of self-discovery and development that led me to coaching, helped me to approach all aspects of my life in a more confident and empowered way, and from there to training to be a coach myself.

And so Daisy Life Coaching was born! Daisy is my Golden Retriever and she literally enjoys every moment to the fullest and she inspires me every day to do the same! I offer 1:1 life and career coaching and coaching programmes designed to give people clarity on their goals, get out of their own way to achieve them, and focus on what gives them joy in their day-to-day lives in the meantime. 


A little more about me

I live in a village in Kent with my husband Dan and as well as Daisy, we have a schnauzer called Baxter and a cat called Bonnie, so there is always an element of animal madness in our house!

Lockdown definitely turned me into even more of a homebody than I was before and my perfect Saturday night these days looks like relaxing with my husband and the furry family, a glass or two of wine, some good food (made by my husband as I’m a terrible cook!) and binging a new show! However, when I do venture out out, you will probably find me on the dance floor! I also love yoga, getting out in nature, and travelling to new places. I’m also a football fan, watching not playing, but I’m not telling you which team just in case.

"She was the most friendliest, down to earth, approachable person. The first session flew by and really opened my eyes (& emotions) to a part of me I didn’t know needed reawakening."


Image by Madison Oren

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